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Showing posts from November, 2021

3 Frequently Answered Questions On The Gig Economy Of India

 3 Frequently Answered Questions On The Gig Economy Of India What is the difference between a gig, a job, and a career? Most of the time people synonymously use the words gig, job and career together. However, there stands a thin line of difference between all these three terms. GIG  - A gig is something that is short lived in nature. An employer may take you as a  gig worker  to perform a task for a couple hours, weeks, months or until the need exists. JOB  - On the other hand a  job  is where you are obliged to work  full time or part-time . You are given a specific set of responsibilities and rules that you must follow and a set of tasks you must perform. You are put on the company’s payroll system and you are entitled to receive some employee benefits. CAREER - A career is something that paves the path to getting your  dream job . You essentially study and take certifications to take up jobs in the similar career stream. 2. Why is gig wor...

6 Frequently Asked Questions about The Gig Economy

 6 Frequently Asked Questions about The Gig Economy You might have heard of the term ‘gig economy’ quite a few times. Most of us might even be familiar with the terminologies of the gig economy, however we’ve collected for you some of the most  frequently asked questions about the Gig Economy . Read on to find out if we have answered your question! What are Gigs? Before we understand what gigs truly are, let’s take a step back into history. The word ‘gig’ originated in the music industry. In the earlier times, when a musician or an entertainer performed an act, it’s often called a gig. A concert, musical, show are all examples of gigs. However, over the years the word gig transformed into  temporary  and  part-time jobs  and came to be called  gigs . Today gigs refer to all  short time, temporary jobs  across different industries. What is the meaning of a gig economy job? Gig economy jobs  simply refers to jobs that are short-lived in na...

Blue Collar Jobs and Gig Economy

 Blue Collar Jobs and Gig Economy When one looks into the  gig economy , one can easily notice a pattern of the availability of multiple  blue collar jobs in the gig economy . Studies have shown that the gig economy has led to a whopping increase of 80% for  blue collar jobs.  Before we speak about the relationship between blue collar jobs and the  gig economy of India , let us define  blue collar jobs  and the elements that it includes. What are Blue Collar Jobs? Blue collar jobs  refers to all kinds and  types of jobs  that involve manual work or some sort of manual labour. Most blue collar jobs do not require individuals to have a college degree, in most cases, it might require them to have a basic set of qualifications such as a high school degree or even any developmental certificate. Unlike, white collar job employees who work within an organization, those individuals who perform blue collar jobs tend to work on ground (i.e. i...

Why is the Gig Economy Highly Beneficial For Your Business?

  It’s no secret that the business sector has been transformed by the  gig economy in India . A report by the Boston Consulting Group shows that there has been a huge rise in the demand for the gig economy and more than 40% of the businesses have increasingly made gig workers a part of their workforce. In the present day and age, individuals prefe r  to work from home or offsite, unlike regular work from office. While the benefits that freelancers avail are many, some of which include their ability to work from home, work flexibility by setting their own working hours. On the side note, the gig economy and the gig worker community is also highly advantageous for businesses, entrepreneurs and all sizes of business owners as well. Read on to find out how! 1. Easy Access to specialised skill sets. Several freelancers continually extend their skill set to stay aware of the advancement of the labor force. They will more often than not be more imaginative and responsive to new ...

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gig Economy

 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gig Economy We have all heard the term ‘gig economy’ frequently in the last two to three years. The  gig economy   has also has parallelly given rise to the platform economy and sharing economy, which are terms that are almost similar but have a thin line of difference amongst them. In this article, we shall uncover what the gig economy exactly means and the   advantages and disadvantages   it brings to the different actors of our society. If you are a brand or a business owner looking to avail any services for your business, visit Taskmo and speak to our experts today. What is the Gig Economy? So, what exactly is the gig economy? Gig economy is an umbrella term that encompasses individuals who are performing part-time jobs, temporary jobs, freelancers, independent contractors and others who do not fall under the purview of full-time jobs, i.e. a 9 to 5 job. However, there is no particular pre defined definition for the  gig...

Taskmo — The Future of Gig Works

 Taskmo — The Future of Gig Works We can all agree that the way we function has turned topsy-turvy during the pandemic. We have all drifted from following the standard work structure to now following a much more hybrid and flexible mode of work that has made all our lives much more efficient. Prior to the pandemic, most of us followed a traditional pattern of work where one worked for a fixed set of hours from the premise of their organisation. With the pandemic and imposition of global lockdowns, it pushed employers and organisations to rethink the way they function and perform their day to day tasks. This shifting work culture led to multiple losses and downfalls in several organisations across different sectors and domains. When businesses were looking for the right solution, the  gig economy  filled the void. What is the Gig Economy All About? A  gig economy  essentially refers to a free market economy that consists of individuals who create a career for the...