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3 Frequently Answered Questions On The Gig Economy Of India

 3 Frequently Answered Questions On The Gig Economy Of India

3 Frequently Answered Questions On The Gig Economy Of India

  1. What is the difference between a gig, a job, and a career?

Most of the time people synonymously use the words gig, job and career together. However, there stands a thin line of difference between all these three terms.

GIG - A gig is something that is short lived in nature. An employer may take you as a gig worker to perform a task for a couple hours, weeks, months or until the need exists.

JOB - On the other hand a job is where you are obliged to work full time or part-time. You are given a specific set of responsibilities and rules that you must follow and a set of tasks you must perform. You are put on the company’s payroll system and you are entitled to receive some employee benefits.

CAREER- A career is something that paves the path to getting your dream job. You essentially study and take certifications to take up jobs in the similar career stream.

2. Why is gig work so popular?

In recent times, pandemic has pushed gig work with full force and in fact gig work has turned out to be popular amongst millennials. Gig work, when explained in simple terms, refers to short-term contractsfreelance worktemporary jobs etc. The gig economy represents an evolution of business with emphasis on social and cultural elements; it shows the shift of attitudes from permanent employment and fixed employment to more flexible and temporary staffing arrangements.

The gig economy is a working environment that is built around short-term engagements, temporary staffing, and freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs. The gig economy is beneficial for both the employer and the employees. Let’s take a look at the advantages for both of them individually.


  • It gives employers the freedom to hire qualified individuals on a part-time basis or until the need exists.

  • It helps employers to save both their resources and their budget when employing gig workers.

  • It opens up opportunities for the employers to hire specialised professionals based on the requirements for the organization.


  • It gives employees the freedom and autonomy to choose their industry they wish to work for.

  • As a gig work employee you are free to work at your own pace. It simply allows you to work around your schedule and personal engagements.

  • As a gig work employee, you can negotiate and demand your wage rate, in case of certain specialised professions.

3. What are the best gig economy jobs?

Gig economy jobs simply refers to jobs that are short-lived in nature. The gig economy is filled with jobs that are part-time, freelance and even project-based engagements, where individuals seeking jobs can choose any engagement based on their schedule and work accordingly. With digitalisation, there are umpteen platforms out there that allow individuals like us to take up gig jobs in the industry of our choice and work flexibly around our personal engagements. Some of such platforms are Upwork, Fiver and so much more.Whether you are a skilled professional or want to perform some errands, the gig economy has got you covered!

Wondering how to find Gig Workers?

If you are a business, brand or an entrepreneur looking to hire gig workers for your business, visit Taskmo and hire certified gig workers all under one roof!

Shoot an email to us at and book a 30-min call with our experts today!



  1. Pretty well Explained. I'm a freelancer in India and have been earning well since I started freelancing. I recently read this article online on how bright the future of Indian freelancers is. I believe gig economy has made a revolutionary change in people's work culture and lifestyle making a number of people part of it.


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