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We all are familiar with medical professionals like Doctors, Nurses, Therapists, but do you know who Phlebotomists are? Not many of us know, do we? Today, we have answered the top eight  frequently asked questions about phlebotomists. We have covered all important details you must know about phlebotomists and phlebotomy in general. Whether you are an experienced phlebotomist or if you are looking for a change in your career, visit Taskmo and start your dream career with us. 

Who are phlebotomists? 

A phlebotomist is a medical service professional who primarily  draws blood for the purpose of testing, examination, bondings and for donation purposes. They are responsible for disclosing results and are answerable to patients as they take blood tests or  donations from them. In certain cases, phlebotomists also provide help to patients who encounter an unfavorable response while their blood is being drawn. A phlebotomist is an anglicised medical term, but phlebotomists are also known as; laboratory technician, lab technician, medical laboratory technologist, blood sample collector or even at times sample collectors. 

What are the roles and responsibilities of Phlebotomists? 

roles and responsibilities of Phlebotomists

A phlebotomist's major work is to essentially draw blood from patients. Their major roles and essential duties include: 

  • To gather blood from patients for testing or from blood donators. 

  • To converse with patients and discussing on how they are doing and feeling and helping them feel much more comfortable and secure.

  • To confirm and verify  a patient's identity or the donor’s identity before taking a sample. 

  • To recognize, verify, name and label all the blood samples.

  • To follow and respect the guidelines and protocols of all medical supervisors. 

  • To assemble and keep up with the instruments,supplies and tools involved for drawing blood. 

  • To sanitize all the regions of human physical contact carefully and gather blood tests in a safe and hygienic manner. 

  • To gather and collect all the important apparatuses and hardware for drawing blood from the concerned patients. 

What are the necessities to be a phlebotomist? 

A situation as a phlebotomist has a generally low boundary to section, making it an incredible choice assuming you need to check whether a profession in the medical services industry prior to putting time and cash into additional instruction. The base necessity to fit the bill for a situation as a phlebotomist is a secondary school recognition or GED. A few phlebotomists, with just this degree of instruction, are prepared for the job at work and have no advanced education. 

Most bosses, however, lean toward up-and-comers who have finished a phlebotomy program. These projects are accessible at junior colleges, specialized schools and professional schools. Accreditation programs like these include both homeroom guidance and research facility work, remembering guidance for clinical wording, physiology and life structures. 

What amount of time does it require to become a phlebotomist? 

Even though it is  feasible to begin your profession as a phlebotomist directly as soon as you get out of secondary school. It is equally important for you to get hands on experience and prepare, practice yourself under an experienced or an accomplished phlebotomist. In most cases for venipunctures and others you might probably have to finish a certification program from either any medical institution or any other accredited association, which is almost equal to one year. 

What's the normal salary (compensation) for a phlebotomist? 

normal salary (compensation) for a phlebotomist

The average salary for a phlebotomist with a year’s experience is close to $15 dollars each hour. However, the salary is subject to change depending on the experience of the phlebotomist and the geographical area.  

What does the general work environment for phlebotomists look like? 

All phlebotomists generally work in emergency clinics, clinical labs, nursing homes, blood donation centers, local health centers and other medical care offices. Phlebotomists typically work intimately with a clinical lab technologist or another clinical expert. 

They frequently invest significant stretches of energy standing and should be cautious when taking care of needles, blood and other clinical supplies. A few phlebotomists travel to patients homes or long haul care focuses to gather blood. Phlebotomists who gather blood samples for donations should regularly head out to various areas to set up portable blood donation centers or blood donation drives.

What are the accreditations available for phlebotomists? 

Some of the major certifications available for phlebotomists include; 

  • Public Phlebotomy Association 

  • American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) 

  • American Medical Technologists (AMT) 

  • Public Healthcareer Association (NHA) 

  • The National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) 

What skills and abilities should phlebotomists have? 

There are various abilities you must have to become fruitful in your profession as a phlebotomist, include; 

Empathy:Phlebotomists regularly experience patients who fear needles or having their blood drawn. They should be humane and minding in playing out their obligations to facilitate any nerves the patient might be feeling. 

Endurance:A phlebotomist regularly spends a lot of their day on their feet standing. They need endurance to keep up with their energy and center for the duration of the day to take precise blood tests. 

Meticulousness:A phlebotomist is liable for drawing the right vials of blood for tests that doctors request, entering information into a data set, naming vials and following them. They should be conscientious to guarantee the examples are satisfactorily followed and marked for testing. 

Dexterity: In request to guarantee patients stay as agreeable as could be expected while having blood drawn, a phlebotomist needs great deftness to have the option to do as such effects on the principal endeavour. 

Communication Skills: Like any expert in the clinical field, a phlebotomist should have solid relational abilities to have the option to listen cautiously to the guidelines of the research facility technologist, doctor and patient and furthermore pass on messages about the thing they're doing back to the patient in a way that is clear and brief. 

Relational Skills: These are relationship building abilities that phlebotomists should have the option to work intimately with patients and others in their group. It incorporates having an uplifting outlook, being sympathetic and having the capacity to rouse and support others.

We hope that you now have a fair understanding of phlebotomy and phlebotomists. If you want to know more about phlebotomy, read our blog here. If you are looking to get your career started as a phlebotomist, visit Taskmo now. 

Original Content is published at


Phlebotomists Frequently asked questions 

Phlebotomists Services India

Phlebotomists Jobs


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